International Conference «Infectious Diseases and Reproductive Health»

Dear Colleagues!

The Russian Academy of Sciences together with the Federal Budgetary Institution of Science «Central Research Institute of Epidemiology» of the Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfarewill host the International Conference «Infectious Diseases and Reproductive Health», which will be held on November 20, 2024 in online format.


The issues of improving reproductive health and the institution of the family constitute priorities of Russian state policy. It is no coincidence that a conference on this topic, organized jointly with recognized Russian and foreign experts, is being held in the «Year of the Family». In our country, since this year, under the programme of State guarantees of free medical care, examinations have been carried out on men and women to evaluate their reproductive health. Various pathogens play a significant role in reproductive disorders. These include sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and common infectious diseases such as mumps, viral hepatitis, AIDS, and opportunistic infections. Based on the data provided from World Health Organization (WHO), more than one million people are infected with pathogens from this group of diseases every day in the world, and the incidence rate among young people is 4-5 times higher than in the general population.

The task of the international expert community within the framework of the conference is to discuss the most topical issues related to early diagnosis, effective treatment in conditions of progressive antibiotic resistance and development of chronic forms of infectious diseases against the background of immunological insufficiency, as well as new opportunities in the prevention of infections affecting reproductive health.


The conference programme will be of interest not only to scientific specialists engaged in fundamental and applied research in the field of reproduction, but also to clinicians for applying the achievements of science in their practical work.


The conference is held in support of the development of modern molecular biology technologies with the participation of the World Class Genomic Research Centre for Biosafety and Technological Independence (Agreement of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 075-15-2019-1666 dated 31/10/2019).


We extend an invitation to participate in the International Conference «Infectious Diseases and Reproductive Health» and become a partner of the event, given its great social, scientific, and practical value.



Best regards,

Academician-Secretary of the Department of Medical Sciences

of the Russian Academy of Sciences,                                                                  Starodubov V.I.

Member of the Presidium of the Russian

Academy of Sciences, Academician

of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Russian Version

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